MySql Arragement: question 11 SQL CUMULATIVE PROJECT Analyzing Heart Disease

I am done with the SQL CUMULATIVE PROJECT Analyzing Heart Disease. But question 11 makes me wondering:

This is my solution:

with patient_data as(
  with patient as (
  select * from active_patients
  select * from inactive_patients)
select * from patient
inner join panels
on patient.ID=panels.patient_ID)
select Name, Round(LDL), Address, Phone 
	(select Borderline_High from recommended_values where Lipid="LDL") rv
where LDL>rv.Borderline_High
order by LDL desc;

It works fine: Perhaps it is not the most elegant one :wink:

But my question regards the last lines. Originally I tried to write:

from patient_data
where LDL>(select Borderline_High from recommended_values where Lipid="LDL")

But though the query in the brackets is itself correct the whole get “shot down” :frowning:


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