My Medical Insurance Project - Looking for Feedback!

Hello! Down below is my code for the project - I found the coding aspect fairly easy but the lack of hand holding and guidance was something I initially found a little intimidating. I’m not sure if my code checks all the boxes. Specifically I would like to know how the code could be made more efficient, I feel like I clumsily write 5 lines where there could be 2. Thanks for your help!

import csv #store information in list variables age_lst = [] bmi_lst = [] sex_lst = [] children_lst = [] smoker_lst = [] charges_lst = [] region_lst = [] full_dict = [] #store other datatypes in dictionary format too sex_dict = {"female": 0, "male": 0} children_dict = {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0} smoker_dict = {"Yes": 0, "No": 0} region_dict = {"Northwest": 0, "Southeast": 0, "Southwest": 0, "Northeast": 0} #create the lists with open('insurance.csv', newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in reader: age_lst.append(int(row['age'])) bmi_lst.append(float(row['bmi'])) charges_lst.append(row['charges']) sex_lst.append(row["sex"]) children_lst.append(int(row["children"])) smoker_lst.append(row["smoker"]) region_lst.append(row["region"]) sex_dict[row["sex"]] += 1 children_dict[int(row["children"])] += 1 smoker_dict[row["smoker"].capitalize()] += 1 region_dict[row["region"].capitalize()] += 1 full_dict.append(row) #Function to determine the average insurance cost per weight category def bmi_price_dictionary_maker(): underweight = 0 u_total_cost = 0 healthy_weight = 0 h_total_cost = 0 overweight = 0 over_total_cost = 0 obese = 0 obese_total_cost = 0 for item in full_dict: if float(item['bmi']) < 18.5: underweight += 1 u_total_cost += float(item["charges"]) elif float(item['bmi']) < 24.9: healthy_weight += 1 h_total_cost += float(item["charges"]) elif float(item['bmi']) < 29.9: overweight += 1 over_total_cost += float(item["charges"]) else: obese += 1 obese_total_cost += float(item["charges"]) bmi_price_dictionary = {"Underweight": round((u_total_cost/underweight), 2), "Healthy Weight": round((h_total_cost/healthy_weight), 2), "Overweight": round((over_total_cost/overweight), 2), "Obese": round((obese_total_cost/obese), 2)} return bmi_price_dictionary print(bmi_price_dictionary_maker()) class patientsInfo: #initialise the class def __init__(self, age, sex, bmi, children, smoker, region, charges): self.age = age = sex self.bmi = bmi self.children = children self.smoker = smoker self.region = region self.charges = charges #various methods which return the averages of some traits in the sampled group def age_analysis(self): average = round(sum(self.age)/len(self.age), 2) print ("The average age of the people in this dataset is {}".format(average)) return average def sex_analysis(self): males_count ="male") females_count ="female") print("The number of males: {males}. The number of females: {females}".format(males=males_count, females=females_count)) def bmi_analysis(self): average = round(sum(self.bmi)/len(self.bmi), 2) health = "" if average < 18.5: health = "underweight" elif average < 24.9: health = "healthy" elif average < 29.9: health = "overweight" else: health = "obese" print("The average BMI of the people in this dataset is {}, this is considered {}.".format(average, health)) return average #make an if statement to say if they are healthy weight on average def children_analysis(self): average = round(sum(self.children)/len(self.children), 2) print("The average number of children people in this dataset have is {}.".format(average)) return average my_info = patientsInfo(age_lst, sex_lst, bmi_lst, children_lst, smoker_lst, region_lst, charges_lst) my_info.age_analysis() my_info.sex_analysis() my_info.bmi_analysis() my_info.children_analysis()

The code you posted results in an error b/c you can’t upload the insurance csv file to the codebyte.
Can you push your notebook to GitHub so people can see the final project?

Ahhh I see! I’ll try to get that fixed