Mixed Messages - randomizer what to do in Almaty city

Hi everyone, completed a project! My opinion that the hardest part is to understand what you wanna create. After that there are to many ways to achieve that. So I decided to take idea of what to do in a city where I live to a tourists.

My goal was to create simple and small project.

Here is a link to my repo: any advices or collabs to develop the idea and sell it, I am ready :)) LGTM!
Link: GitHub - rkudebayev/MixedMessages: a project from Codecademy

I agree! Thinking of something took me the longest too. I really like how simple and compact you coded this! It’s all happening inside one object, which I find impressive.

Are the keys ‘visit’, ‘eat’ and ‘consume’ neccessary? because the ‘mustToDO’ function is the only one that’s being called.

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Thanks for your reply, really appreciate it, my first ever :slight_smile: at the beginning I was thinking I would call them one by one separately like what to visit? - visit this, what to eat? - eat this etc. Then I realized i can do them all together. And just decided to stop, because idea can grow and it will take time and distract me from proceeding with learning and left how it is. Finally finished my portfolio, guess will develop all the projects in the nearest future. Thanks for taking a time and having a look, Robert!

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