Mixed meessage _ Steve Jobs Quotes

I like the project and I was able to learn quite a few things. Suggestions are welcome.

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Nice. Good to practice the HTML and CSS too.

In the JS in my humble opinion I would probably change:
let index = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7);
let index = Math.floor(Math.random() * stevejobs.length);
Just so you only need to change one thing if you add in more quotes.

Also maybe instead of innerHTML use textContent, as it is more secure.

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Thanks for the input, yes should have stevejobs.lenght.
Will update it today.

Okay not familiar with textContent, let me read about it. Got hooked to innerHTML from W3school tutorial.

Thanks again for the suggestion. All the best.

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hey, great job incorporating the script into html.

And even though you decided to not mix and match from 3 sets of strings as indicated in the project instructions, I love the fact that you did something more inspirational by using “steve jobs lives on” quotes ha