MadLibs tutorial asks: Put some whitespace in your code so that the story variable is hidden. What does this mean?

Having successfully completed 11 of the required 12 steps in the exercise, on final step 12 Codecademy asks in tutorial:
" Put some whitespace in your code so that the story variable is hidden, and show your friends the code. Have someone else fill in the variables you have declared with the nouns, adjectives, verbs, and names that they like." What?!
Tried various things, deleted info from all variables, I have added whitespace, moved "story’ variable out of site (hidden?) on the console (if that’s what it means?) but I still cannot proceed. I am stuck on this section as it is poorly written and not allowing to proceed to next steps of the course. Unable to carry on with course as it is not clear exactly what they mean.

can you share the screenshot.

Hi design1695469461,

Thanks for reaching out but after much trial and error I managed to get it sorted. It was indeed a case of moving the code out of the sight (in a specific way) but not very well worded in the exercise. A poorly worded paragraph can cause a some frustration :slightly_smiling_face:

ok nice to know the solution.

I´m having the same problem as you, and can´t get it right. I also have tried to “hide” the story-variable by moving it (lot of keystrokes on Return) out of sight from the different variables, but it won´t work. Could you please tell me exactly how you solved the problem?

I have followed the instruction to the letter; the last variable (String place1 = “Sweden”) is on line 21 while the string-story begins on line 44, which you can see below:

String story = “This morning “+name1+” woke up feeling " +adjective1+”. ‘It is going to be a “+adjective2+” day!’ Outside, a bunch of "+noun1+"s were protesting to keep “+noun2+” in stores. They began to “+verb1+” to the rhythm of the “+noun3+”, which made all the "+noun4+"s very “+adjective3+”. Concerned, “+name1+” texted “+name2+”, who flew “+name1+” to “+place1+” and dropped “+name1+” in a puddle of frozen “+noun5+”. “+name1+” woke up in the year “+number+”, in a world where "+noun6+“s ruled the world.”;
