"Lost connection to codecademy" error

Hi there!

All of the sudden I lost connection to Codecademy yesterday in the middle of a task at “Introduction to JS” and haven’t been able to connect since.

I’m from Poland, working on Windows 10, using Chrome (checked Firefox, doesn’t work as well) and Kaspersky as the antivirus.

This is the direct link to the page where the error occurred:

I will be grateful for any tips. I’ve been using codecademy for a while, always on Windows and with Kaspersky, and this is the first time it’s happening to me.

Thank you in advance.


Hi Magda,

Typically this is a firewall or ad-blocker problem. Check out this article for more info and send in a question to the customer support team via that same site if you’re still having issues.


Thank you so much for your response and tips. Still worikng on the issue, though.

Best of luck! Quick reminder – if you’re still having problems, you can reach out to the customer support team via the site I’d linked earlier.