Lost Connection to CodeAcademy


I can’t seem to get a connection with Codeacademy trying to do a tutorial about Javascript.

I restarted, change browsers, logged in again a few times, burt nothing seems to work.

I am trying to start up from the Netherlands, could this be a part of the problem?

Hope you guys can help me!


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I have the same problem… the whole morning :frowning:

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It’s widespread. same issue.
contacting them on twitter.

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Me too… in javascript course from the Korea

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Same problem here, also from the Netherlands.

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Same problem on three different devices on two different networks. Been down since this morning.

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Me too. Unable to connect all day here on Malta.
Tried 3 restarts (Mac OS 10.14.1 Mojave) on a hard wired connection, as well as an attempt to log in using an iPad (with latest software update) - wirelessly (on the same network).


I have de same problem!

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Everybody has :wink:

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Is being discussed in a separate thread: Error: Lost connection to Codecademy

Their engineer has already answered there - they’re working on the fix, with no ETA though.


Thanks everyone for your patience as the team works to resolve this issue. Special thanks to @iworkms for directing everyone on this thread to Error: Lost connection to Codecademy where we’ll be updating everyone regularly until there’s a resolution. On a personal note, I understand finding time to study isn’t easy as it is, and this blocker is unnecessary difficulty, so we’re really working hard to remove this as fast as we can now.

I sincerely appreciate you bearing with us.


Yes! I lost connection too today! Can’t this be fixed somehow?

Ok. Thanks for telling us!