Longest common subsequence

In the dynamic programming section the lesson walks us through how to find longest common subsequence of “ACCGTT” and “CCAGCA”. Once I finished the extra credit which also prints the subsequence, the function prints “GCC”. Shouldn’t the answer be “AGCC”? Am I missing something?

link below:

The given function answer prints as CCG which is indeed the longest common subsequence.
The key here is how do we define subsequence?
It basically has to be a sequence from each string, not necessarily consecutive, but with strictly increasing indexes.

So for CCG the indexes are 1, 2, 3 for the first string and 0,1, 3 for the second. You’ll notice that the second is not consecutive, but they are both in strictly increasing order.

AGCC as a comparison would be
0, 3, 1, 2 in the first string and 2, 3, 0, 1 in the second. They both fail to be in increasing index order.

For contrast, a substring would have the stricter constraint that the indexes have to be both consecutive and in order.