Hello community!
Update: 03/21/21
Two new challenges projects have been added to the list below; one for React (Appointment Planner) and one for Redux (Flashcards).
Update: 03/05/21
You can now access all the challenge projects from our new projects page, which you can also find in the ‘resources’ section of the top nav bar. This page will continue to get updates in 2021.
Update: 10/20/20
We have now incorporated the majority of challenge projects listed below within our new career paths and other paths, with the exception of the C++ challenge projects which are now in that course syllabus. The remaining challenge projects will be added to syllabi in Q4 2020 alongside other upgrades, in part so that your completion % doesn’t change on you too often.
In this post you’ll find a list of our challenge projects. We’re overhauling some elements of our UI, including embedding challenge projects within syllabi.
But until we ship those changes, we wanted to make sure you still had access to these items, so there’s a list below. Happy coding!
List of Challenge Projects
- Build Your Own Cheatsheet (HTML / CSS)
- Number Guesser (JavaScript)
- Build a Website Design System (HTML / CSS)
- World Populations (SQL)
- World Populations II (SQL)
- Games of Chance (Python)
- Censor Dispenser (Python)
- Best Fare Calculator (Java)
- Hurricane Analysis (Python)
- Become a Pokémon Master (Python)
- This Is Jeopardy! (Python + Pandas)
- Console Game (C#)
- Spaceman (C#)
- Credit Card Checker (JavaScript)
- Mysterious Organism (JavaScript)
- Build a Text Adventure (C++)
- Roller Coaster (Python + Pandas)
- Quote API (JavaScript)
- Find Your Hat (JavaScript)
- Tennis Ace (Python + Pandas)
- Responsive Club Website (CSS)
- Company Home Page (Flexbox)
- Magic 8-Ball (Java)
- Tic-Tac-Toe (C++)
- Codecademy Learners Mockup Data (SQL)
- Appointment Planner (React)
- Flashcards (Redux)