Hi everyone,
Here is my project. It took couple of days to write this: I didn’t have time to do it all at once so I had to keep coming back to the project as soon as I had free time.
The link to my code: GitHub - dgordok/Codecademy . The file is called life-expectancy-and-gdp.
I would appreciate it very much if you could review my work.
Thank you in advance!
Congrats on completing the project.
A couple things:
Be mindful of using words like “developed” & “developing” to describe countries. That is outdated & problematic terminology (it implies a hierarchy). See, World Bank:
Time to stop referring to the “developing world”
I like the graphs/visualizations. The linear one could be tricky though, b/c it doesn’t tell us how much of a change in x —> reflects in a change in y. As, you point out, “It is important to note that this relationship does not imply a direct dependence of one on the other, but rather an indirect one.” And, as you also point out–there are other variables here at play that might affect LEABY–including health care/access to it, public social programs, environmental conditions, political stability/instability, etc.
Lastly, Zimbabwe had the most positive change in LEABY…even despite economic collapses and civil wars.
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Very important comments! Thank you for your feedback! 
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