I am having issues with the exercise contained in the link, https://www.codecademy.com/courses/learn-intermediate-python-3/projects/the-great-robot-race-python-project. I am new to Python, and have been building my knowledge through the Codecademy Learn Python3 courses.
After completing Task 9, the following error message for the robot_race_functions.py appears:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “robot_race.py”, line 21, in
robot_moves.append(rr.compute_robot_logic(walls, goal, bots))
File “/home/ccuser/workspace/the-great-robot-race-python-project-workspace/robot_race_functions.py”, line 62, in compute_robot_logic
dist = calc_manhattan_dist(bot.calc_x + move[0], bot.calc_y + move[1], goal.x, goal.y)
AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘calc_x’
I am not sure how to resolve the error, given that the project requires changes to be made to the robot_race.py file, and not the the robot_race_functions.py file.
Any help, tips, or recommendations to resolve the error would be greatly appreciated! (+ anything else that looks amiss with my code )
Please see below for the edits I have made to the robot_race.py file up to Task 9:
import robot_race_functions as rr
from collections import deque, Counter, namedtuple
from time import time, sleep
maze_file_name = 'maze_data_1.csv'
seconds_between_turns = 0.3
max_turns = 35
# Initialize the robot race
maze_data = rr.read_maze(maze_file_name)
walls, goal, bots = rr.process_maze_init(maze_data)
# Populate a deque of all robot commands for the provided maze
robot_moves = deque()
num_of_turns = 0
while not rr.is_race_over(bots) and num_of_turns < max_turns:
# For every bot in the list of bots, if the bot has not reached the end, add a new move to the robot_moves deque
# Add your code below!
for bot in bots:
robot_moves.append(rr.compute_robot_logic(walls, goal, bots))
num_of_turns += 1
# Count the number of moves based on the robot names
# Add your code below!
move_count = Counter(move[0] for move in robot_moves)
# Count the number of collisions by robot name
# Add your code below
collision_count = Counter(move[0] for move in robot_moves if has_collided == True)
# Create a namedtuple to keep track of our robots' points
# Add your code below!
BotScoreData = namedtuple('BotScoreData', ['name', 'num_moves', 'num_collisions', 'score'])
# Calculate the scores (moves + collisions) for each robot and append it to bot_scores
bot_scores = []
# Add your code below!
for robot in bots:
bot_score = BotScore_Data(bot.name, move_count, collision_count, move_count + collision_count)
# Populate a dict to keep track of the robot movements
bot_data = {}
# Add your code below!
for robot in bots:
bot_data[bot.name] = bot
# Move the robots and update the map based on the moves deque
while len(robot_moves) > 0:
# Make sure to pop moves from the front of the deque
# Add your code below!
# Update the maze characters based on the robot positions and print it to the console
rr.update_maze_characters(maze_data, bots)
sleep(seconds_between_turns - time() % seconds_between_turns)
# Print out the results!