I have some jQuery code which will be executed every 6 seconds.
With Mozilla Firefox 51.0.1 it works fine. With Internet Explorer 11 it seems to be working just fine, but when I leave my computer, do something else, and come back, it is possible that Internet Explorer 11 has stopped running the script. for more knowledge I used to watch jQuery product marketing video. For example, after several hours. In other words, it will not be executed every 6 seconds anymore. There are no error messages available.
`<script src="/jquery-3.0.0.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
valvonta = function() {
var kaavio = 106; // 38;
var a = performance.now();
jQuery.post("hae_tilanteet.php", {
kaavio: kaavio
}).done(function(data) {
var b = performance.now();
var c = performance.now();
// alert('search ' + (((b - a)/1000)%60) + ' s and update ' + (((c - b)/1000)%60) + ' s');
setTimeout(valvonta, 6000);
setTimeout(valvonta, 6000);