<Below this line, add a link to the EXACT exercise that you are stuck at.>
Hello! I’m trying to figure out why my “default” accordion doesn’t work. Is that a DW problem? Could be any conflict between Bootstrap and jQuery in that case? The same accordion in codecademy runs well. https://www.codecademy.com/en/courses/web-beginner-en-jtFIC/2/3
Thank you a lot.
<In what way does your code behave incorrectly? Include ALL error messages.>
Yes, they are placed in different files (html and js accordingly). Sorry there are 20 days left but the topic is still important - I haven’t seen notifications on codecademy.com and I’ve found your reply in spam just now.
Place https: before the double slashes (//) at the beginning of that URL, and it will work
The reason it’s not currently is because // is a protocol-relative URL. These were a good idea several years ago, when people didn’t feel that everything needed to be on HTTPS, but now stuff has changed and it’s considered a bad practice to use these now. The way a protocol-relative URL works is, if you access the site over HTTP, it will try to fetch the resource via HTTP. If you visit via HTTPS, it will try to use HTTPS to fetch the resource. And it’s the same with any other protocol, including the one you’re using to view the HTML file here, the file protocol. The problem is, file:// is only for local files stored on your computer, and not for files on a remote server, and those two resources are on remote servers. So changing that to https:// instead should fix the problem