Jammming project


I’ve completed this project. Initially, I went through the entire chapter, getting familiar with React and Redux. Then, for my practical pet projects, I needed a server, so I studied a bit of Express.js, and I already had some knowledge of databases. After completing several dozen simple projects on various topics using React/Redux, I returned to finish the practical assignments for this course.

In this project, I used routers and pages, Redux (Redux Toolkit) for global state management and useState for local. I also implemented layouts (public and private after login). The code is on GitHub, and there’s a live version on a website (I had to figure out the nuances of remote Nginx configuration and assigning a domain name to the server’s IP). I requested extended quota mode from Spotify, but they haven’t granted access yet, even though it’s been five days. Therefore, something might not work in the live version, but it’s not a bug—just a limitation of development mode. In the future, track playback can be added.

Feedback appreciated