Jammming project

Hi everyone,
Ok, eventually I finished jammming project, was a bit challenging, the task wasnt difficult that much my problem was reading the example code before coding, after that it was impossible to think differently, the sample code was very neat and simple, and overall based on what I learned in this code. I finished the project using contextAPI for better and cleaner state management, the design part didnt take more than a day, however the logic and structuring the app took something around one week to finish, but most annoying part was deploying on github pages, it was my first time using github to deploy a project, too many installing and uninstalling.
Anyway, here you can check the app: React App
and here you can check the repo.

I hope you like and really appreciate any feedback.



I checked out your app hosted on GitHub. Next time, to avoid the frustrations of using GitHub Pages, I recommend trying Netlify. It simplifies the deployment process and handles all the tricky details for you—it’s a nice and straightforward solution.

I also noticed a bug in your app. When redirecting users back from Spotify, it’s still pointing to http://localhost:3000/. You should update this to use your current deployment URL and ensure it’s configured correctly in your Spotify API account. I wasn’t able to fetch data because the redirect sent me to localhost on my laptop instead of your deployed app.