It's Okay to be Average

hi i have a problem im my cource
my run’s button is busy and i can’t run my code.
please help me

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Same here, after the screen shows 4/ has been moved, when i click on the run button it gets stuck on loading and i cannot proceed with the exercise

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Python course seems to be under construction. Had the same problem yesterday, but was fixed in about half an hour. Seems to take longer now though.

My best guess is that the scripts used in the course are being moved but the course itself is still ‘active’. So it will load for us, but it won’t execute any scripts we write.

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ok, what should I do?
what is solution?

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The Python course has been moved to a new environment, this affected progress. This change was announced in

  • Codecademy’s Blog
  • In the exercises themselves
  • You may have even received an e-mail

The Codecademy Team did its best to get this announcement out to everyone and is working very hard to find and fix any and all issues caused by this move. Currently, the best thing you can do is submit a bug report. Unfortunately, other than this, there really isn’t anything we can do to help you.


Thanks for your attention

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My friend i sent Report a Bug about my problem but no one anwser me or have solved.
i should learn python. :tired_face::tired_face::tired_face::tired_face::tired_face:

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