Intro of Myself and a summery of my story

My name is Greg Munker, i’m a 35 year old disabled stay at home dad. I first started with computers back in 1986, and coded html an html+, then moved into html 2.0 for a couple years before falling away from it. I became a automotive tech and still dabbled with computers but nothing like when i was in high school running 3 freebsd boxes, etc.

Now since being injured I have had 1 autistic child who is 5 and a newborn now who is going in for open heart surgery next week, and no income for many years since the state wont help, i’m looking to re-learn or should i say simply learn front-end development.

Codecademy has been tremendous with this, the site is helping me learn as well as distract my mind from the upcoming stress, i have immersed myself in this site for the past few days and will continue to do so. I cannot wait to go pro, have to wait a while more as funds are tight with hotels and etc. But i know it will be beyond worth it.

Thanks for letting me share and I hope to become a contributor in time on these forums, and getting to know you!


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