I would like to add a picture from my computer

I would like to add a picture from my computer but im not sure how. I created a folder on my desktop with the name wonder-women.html and then i saved the image in that file

<img src ="dc-comics-wonder-woman-girl-superhero.jpg"/>
	<a href=>"C:\Users\Chantelle\Desktop\wonder-women.html"</a>

In case you are talking about:

  1. Discourse forum: Here, you need to click the seventh button from the left (with the up arrow on it) in the panel where you type your post.
  2. In HTML code: Use an online image hosting service like http://postimage.org/ or imgur or tinypic depending on your preference. They will generate a unique image URL which you need to add into the src attribute of the img element, like: <img src="_URL_HERE_">
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is it working or not???
if it is not then this might be the problem:
if you have noticed you have ended the brackets here:
a href=>


thank you. you both were right. sorry im still a beginner hehe :innocent:

Your welcome :grinning:

can u add a picture to mu computer too :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

What do you mean?

Just download one off the internet?