I made a simple game about yoinking animals

This is for my Python terminal game project. Very simple. My inspiration was the instagram that my niece and nephew love where a guy goes around in the middle of the night yoinking random animals.

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Hey cowtech122,

I just had a look at your terminal project, the Yoink-Game. It’s fun hahaha I’ve never heard of this before, yoinking random animals. I couldn’t figure out how to start it in the terminal, is ipynb a notebook of some sort? Sorry, I’m still quite new to python and running things outside of the Codecademy platform, and I struggled with setting up my own terminal game in VSCode.

Anyway, I ended up reading the code which was quite straightforward and really humorous. When I saw that the penalty for missing a yoink is finger I was grinning from ear to ear. Funny and genuinely entertaining. You should consider turning it into something with graphics. I imagine having to yoink a snake only to lose a finger would really make players laugh! So if you see this, I just thought I’d let you know I wouldn’t mind giving the Yoink game a go if you could leave me a short instruction on how to run the ipynb file? Thanks and all the best with learning Python!

I am also new to this system. The .ipynb is how Jupyter saves it. I uploaded .py file, not sure if that’s any different. Maybe try this link:
CompleteYoinkingGame.py - Yoink-Game [GitHub] - Visual Studio Code - GitHub (vscode.dev)

I am also still leaning. Animation is way above my paygrade right now, I did think about adding ascii art for final score tiers. Thank you for the feedback, it was fun to make and my testers had lots of giggles. They suggested adding the worm: 100% catch-rate but worth 0 points.

Hopefully someone that knows more will chime in and help us figure out how to run code uploaded on here.