How to write the code of the last question of Welp

Businesses want to be on the lookout for …ahem… difficult reviewers. Write a query that finds the reviewer with the most reviews that are BELOW the average rating for places.

Please furnish us with a link to the exercise.

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To write code for the last question in Welp, review its requirements, clarify inputs/outputs, and break down logic into manageable steps. Use comments and testing to ensure functionality aligns with expectations.

CGPT replies aren’t helpful, ever. (they also violate the Community Guidelines).

This is the link to the project:

So, in situations like this, it helps to try to put things in your own words and break down the question into your own lexicon.

You want to find the one reviewer who has the most negative reviews, more so than the average rating for places.

What’s that look like?

  • what’s the average rating for places?
  • look at all reviewers and then order them and limit it to the one person who has the most negative reviews.

What SQL clauses would you use here? You’d probably want to use:

  • JOIN

Some of these results from previous topics also might help: