hi everyone. apparently the create-react-app is no longer supported. i checked react’s webpage and they seem to be pushing people to use frameworks. does anyone know what is the best way to use react going forwad? is it better to use vite or learning how to use a framework like next? and why would you choose one or the other?
Personally, while learning React I would just go for Vite - it’s effectively a plug-and-play replacement for CRA without the extra faff of a framework, meaning you can focus on properly learning React itself.
NextJS is the recommend tool for creating new React apps for good reason - it’s excellent. While there are plenty of beginner tutorials out there for it, I would personally recommend focusing on just learning React for now and coming back to NextJS later. That way you’re the most flexible and able to work both with NextJS or without. The extra offerings of Next are great, but have the potential imo to get in the way of learning the pure library and - if you only learned Next - would make it difficult to go backwards and unlearn old habits if you ever had to use purer React or a different framework.
Thanks!!! This looks like a great way to go!