How to deliver my work to a client?

Hello, I’ve been learning programming and here are some of my questions.
I would really appreciate your opinions on this.

If I am working on a simple web page for a client:

  1. How should I work with the client to achieve what he has in his expectations?
  2. When I have finished, how should I deliver the work to him, what it is the correct procedure?
  3. What is the standard for fees?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi Peace,

Here are the answers:

  1. Before taking up any web development project, try to understand what he want’s to achieve by developing a website. What are his goals, his customers, his competitors and his requirements. Try to ask for any sample websites he has in his mind. Never take a project at face value since new customers wont have a idea on how it has to be done. Get clarity on the project to know his expectations before starting.

  2. It is always better to show the website in stages and share ideas, don’t make a complete website and then wait for changes. It will take a lot of time to do the changes. Ensure both are on the same page, customers wont be able to put the technical ideas across well, so you need to plan for it .

  3. Small projects fixed cost is better where the client is sure on the number of pages, technology, content, graphics. For Medium size and Large projects work on time cost. Also know his budget in the beginning since the time cost projects usually takes more time than planned. Also make it clear changes would be charged extra.


Thank you for the great advices.