How long to complete the Computer Science path?

I’m currently a week into the Computer Science path and have completed 18%. I saw the description says it should take 20 weeks to complete (5 months). What is the basis of the 20 week estimate, (how many hours a day?).

I’m currently doing 3-6 hours a day of coursework, hoping to bump the numbers up to 10 hours a day over the coming week.

Hello @ruby2382837356 and welcome to the Codecademy Forums!

Codecademy’s Help Centre has an article on approximately how long it takes to complete career paths. The Computer Science Path should take around 200 hours.

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So going by my current pace, and the estimated completion time of ~200 hours, I should be able to complete the path in 33 days…interesting.


It should still be said that quality is worth more than speed. The cs path is basically split into two categories, fundamental general python tools, and fundamental algorithms.

The algorithms section is something you can power through, but it would really defeat the purpose. For example, I’ve completed the cs path over a month ago but I wouldn’t say I “know” those algorithms. I can maybe work with them with a lot of hours, but if I had an interview problem force me to use one on the fly and tinker with it, I’d be pressed (in a twenty minute time-frame) – I still need a lot of practice to get to a comfortable point.

However, even with the general python tools that’s more than enough python to start learning about building a web-app with Flask/Django.