I have been coding for only about half a year now. I’m going through the courses and currently learning JavaScript. I’ve learned C++, C#, Python, HTML, CSS all to a minor extent to see what I like doing (OOP is definitely easier for me to understand).
I am having the hardest time staying motivated to learn. I feel like I am just failing left and right. It’s either some little syntax error, or a complete failure and misunderstanding of what I am being told to build. I don’t understand the “lingo” used when instructing someone on how to build code. It feels like you have to “know programming to know programming”. Yes it starts you off as if you know nothing… but then I get to that 30-40% mark and its a full stop. From that point on I am constantly having to apply the auto solution just to see how much simpler it is than I am making it out to be. I google the question, I google the errors, and I feel dumb and I feel like I shouldn’t be doing this.
This has been an entire section of JavaScript(Objects) that I honestly cannot say I understand what it was they were teaching me, or why it is even useful? I feel like I can build some pretty complicated and engaging programs using relatively basic programming… and then you get all this advanced stuff that is what you actually SHOULD be using.
Everyone on the forums seems to know what they are talking about, they speak about problems and discuss answers using the exact terms that are confusing to me. I don’t work in the programming field, this is a passion of mine that I only recently have had a chance to explore. So I have a hard time understanding what their problem even is, let alone if it is the same as mine.
Should I just stop? I feel like I am wasting my time and money. If I can’t program at the intermediate to advanced level… why should I even try? I wont be able to get an entry level position with the knowledge I gain from the first 40% of these courses. There are only so many “Hello World” programs you can write before you want to throw your laptop out the window in anger.