How can I write a Python code that can calculate stock profit

I just have no idea how to start on this. All I know is that I need to write a python code that can calculate stock profit.

is this exercise related? This way to vague, don’t expect high quality answers

This is my code for a similar project.
`salep = int(raw_input('Sale Price: '))
shippingp = int(raw_input('Shipping Price: '))
cost = int(raw_input('Bought for: '))
costs = int(raw_input('Shipping Cost: '))
how = int(raw_input('How many: '))
ama = .85
ama2 = 1
ama1 = .15

shipping = shippingp - costs
profit = salep * ama - ama2 + shipping - cost
fees = salep * ama1 - ama2

print(’\nYour total profit was: ')
print profit

print(’\nYour total shipping cost was: ‘)
print(’+’ + str(shipping))

print("\nAmazon’s fees are: ")
print(’-’ + str(fees))

It is pretty straight forward

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