hello, i need help for an assignement with a pythagoras calculator in python, the code i have made does not work and returns a syntax error in line 15 (print function), any help is greatly appreciated.
def side(a,h):
return (h**2 - a**2)**0.5
def hyp(a,b):
return (a**2 + b**2)**0.5
This gives us two pure functions that stand alone.
def side_side():
side_a = input("Enter Side A:")
side_b = input("Enter Side B:")
return " Side C: %.4f" % hyp(side_a, side_b)
def side_hyp():
side_a = input("Enter Side A:")
side_c = input("Enter Side C:")
return " Side B: %.4f" % side(side_a, side_c)
def bye():
return "Bye!"
def select():
global menu
return int(input("Enter a number from the menu..."))
These are the control and module functions. Now all we need is a switch to activate them.
switch = {
0: bye,
1: side_side,
2: side_hyp
menu = """
What would you like to calculate?
0. Exit
1. Hypotenuse
2. Other side
Test run:
What would you like to calculate?
0. Exit
1. Hypotenuse
2. Other side
Enter a number from the menu... 1
Enter Side A: 4
Enter Side B: 3
Side C: 5
What would you like to calculate?
0. Exit
1. Hypotenuse
2. Other side
Enter a number from the menu... 2
Enter Side A: 4
Enter Side C: 5
Side B: 3
What would you like to calculate?
0. Exit
1. Hypotenuse
2. Other side
Enter a number from the menu... 0
def side(a,h):
return (h**2 - a**2)**0.5
def hyp(a,b):
return (a**2 + b**2)**0.5
def side_side():
side_a = float(input("Enter Side A:"))
side_b = float(input("Enter Side B:"))
return " Side C: %d" % hyp(side_a, side_b)
def side_hyp():
side_a = float(input("Enter Side A:"))
side_c = float(input("Enter Side C:"))
return " Side B: %d" % side(side_a, side_c)
def bye():
return "Bye!"
def select():
global menu
return int(input("Enter a number from the menu..."))
switch = {
0: bye,
1: side_side,
2: side_hyp
menu = """
What would you like to calculate?
0. Exit
1. Hypotenuse
2. Other side