hello sharing my first project here! I would love your feedback. Thank you.
Just a couple observations/things to consider…
You don’t need to use a
statement with methods like,df.head()
; the results will be returned w/o theprint()
function. -
If you do a facetgrid plot/side by side comparisons between the countries, you can see that Zimbabwe actually had the largest life expectancy increase over time (2000-2015)–from 46.6 years to 59 years. (the lower LE was due to war and HIV/AIDS health crisis).
Refrain from using outdated terminology like “developed countries” vs. “developing countries” b/c it’s biased language that leads to stereotypes. (The World Bank stopped using that terminology in 2016.) Might be better to use an alternative like “high income”, “upper middle, lower middle” and, “lower income”–See: LICs, LMICs, UMICs, and HICs: classifying economies for analytical purposes