I’m having a slight problem with g++. I added everything I needed to path directory, and g++ doesn’t work. I followed every step in Codecademy’s guide (which wasn’t the most detailed) and nothing seemed to change.
‘g++’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I tried some tips from comments on the guide video:
‘g++’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Please someone help me
You have to install a compiler in windows and maybe configure the path accordingly. From your description it’s impossible to tell what went wrong, but if you want to do it by codecademy’s guide provide a link and a detailed description of how you interpreted and confirmed the steps.
I would search how to install a C++ compiler on windows. It doesn’t have to be gnu gcc (g++). There are others.
Here’s an official link to gnu.
I configured the path, downloaded everything needed I even tried some extra commands not from Codecademy’s guide but it still didn’t work
Give a detailed run-down of the steps you took and how you confirmed them. People will have a chance to help you then.
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