Frida Kahlo Retrospective Off-Platform Project

Hello everyone! I’m excited to share my first project, which I completed without any hints. I’m on the path to becoming a Business Intelligence Data Analyst. My first language is Russian, and this is my first experience learning in English, which I really enjoy.

If you have any tips on how to improve my code, I’d love to hear them! (_ε_)

paitings=['The Two Fridas', 'My Dress Hangs Here', 'Tree of Hope', 'Self Portrait With Monkeys'] dates=[1939,1933,1946,1940] paitings=zip(paitings,dates) paiting_change=list(paitings) paiting_change.append(('The Broken Column', 1944)) paiting_change.append(('The Wounded Deer', 1946)) paiting_change.append(('Me and My Doll', 1937)) print(paiting_change) print(len(paiting_change)) audio_tour_number=range(1,len(paiting_change)+1) print(audio_tour_number) master_list = [(number, title, year) for number, (title,year) in zip(audio_tour_number, paiting_change)] print(master_list)

Congrats on finishing the project.

A couple things to consider:

  • You could use list() with zip():
paintings = list(zip(paintings, dates))
[('The Two Fridas', 1939), ('My Dress Hangs Here', 1933), ('Tree of Hope', 1946), ('Self Portrait With Monkeys', 1940)]

  • And, for Task 6(?) they wanted you to generate a list of audio tour numbers, like:
audio_tour_number = list(range(1, 8)) #you need the start and stop args here. else it defaults to 0.
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]