
Hello everyone,
I’m Alessandro, this is me posting for the first time both here and on GitHub to create the repository.
I’ve been doing the Data Science Machine Learning path and this is just my first portfolio project.

It focuses on the core concept of Python so no hard coding, but i tryed to make it the more organized and nicer possible: the README file explains how I structured the files, while all the details are explained in the comments directly in the main code file.

I probably spent more time than needed, let’s say five to six days but working only at evening/night, even if there is still room for some questions worth to investigate I consider that I did enough practice on these subjects.
I spent also a lot of time in “side quests” like trying a couple of differents IDE, selecting the theme, understand how to export the content to share it and not least grasping the basic concepts on GitHub.

Enough for the introduction, here is the link to the repository:

Any detailed or general feedback would be much appreciated.

Thank you! :hugs: