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First of all I want to thank you for your program. Its a great way to learn programming and web development.
But this time I have to say some words:
First of all the Part 10 BROWSER COMPATIBILITY AND TRANSPILATION in javascript introduction is not well explained as in other parts.
While doing it I had impression to copy and past without understand well like in other lessons.
This project is far more difficult than all projects that I have done. (And I have done all challenges that gave me the path until this project).
Even if I downloaded the solution I still don’t understand how it works…
Is there any way that some of your experimented developper makes a video to explain step by step how to build this game please ?
I think this project is really important and I don’t want to skip it. I managed to do it until step 3.
Than after step 3 its quit hard to understand how to start where to start what to do…
I think this project would be more helpful for people if there are more explanations and steps or a video that build it.
Where fieldW is the width of the field and fieldH is the height of the field.
If you want to run a check on the hat location you can use something similar to what you used to check if the player’s location is in bounds in the main Field class.
I agree that the directions are very hard to understand. I didn’t quite understand what I should do until I started, and then I thought, “ohhh, that’s what the directions meant!”.
Basically, when main.js is initiated it does these 3 things:
create an array with Field.generateField()
stores the array from 1) in an object with const var = new Field(array)
console.log the starting field with .print()
At this point, what the player sees is the starting field, while 1-3 was done “behind the scenes” by the program. The next steps are a loop requiring player interaction. Basically the program:
asks for input
takes the input and do stuff
calls myHatGame.print() to print out the updated field
repeat 4-6 until the player wins or loses.
program ends
I spent most of my time making the two functions, generateField() and print(), work properly. You’ll know they work properly when generateField() makes something like this:
Once I got these two done, the rest kinda finished itself. The loop took a bit of trial and error, but it’s surprisingly simple once I got the hang of it! It’s step 1-3 that really made me my pull my hair out It’s totally doable though, so don’t be surprised if steps 1-3 took a couple of hours. It’s where you’ll spend 80% of the project time.
Not too bad of a project. The maze validation took a few hours of troubleshooting. Unfortunately it seems like an unintended consequence is that most of the random fields that pass validation are very easy to traverses.
It is hard to avoid impossible games.
So I didn’t…
const prompt = require('prompt-sync')({ sigint: true });
const hat = '^';
const hole = 'O';
const fieldCharacter = '░';
const pathCharacter = '*';
class Field {
constructor(height, width, percentage = 25) {
this._height = height;
this._width = width;
this._percentage = percentage;
this._field = Field.generateField(height, width, percentage);
print() {
for (let row of this._field) {
console.log(row.join(" "))
play() {
let posY = 0;
let posX = 0;
let userMove;
let allowedMoves = this.allowedMoves(posY, posX);
while (!allowedMoves) {
this._field = Field.generateField(this._height, this._width, this._percentage);
while (this._field[posY][posX] !== hat && this._field[posY][posX] !== hole) {
this._field[posY][posX] = pathCharacter;
allowedMoves = this.allowedMoves(posY, posX);
if (!allowedMoves) {
console.log("You can't move anymore. Maybe there was no path?")
userMove = prompt("Where do you want to go? Type U for Up, R for Right, D for Down, L for Left: ");
while (!allowedMoves.includes(userMove.toUpperCase())) {
userMove = prompt("The move you entered is invalid or forbidden. Please, try again: ");
switch (userMove.toUpperCase()) {
case "U":
posY -= 1;
case "R":
posX += 1;
case "D":
posY += 1;
case "L":
posX -= 1;
if (this._field[posY][posX] === hat) {
console.log("Yeah! You found your hat!")
} else if (this._field[posY][posX] === hole) {
console.log("Did you just fall in a hole?")
allowedMoves(posY, posX) {
const allowedMoves = [];
// Up:
if (posY && this._field[posY - 1][posX] !== pathCharacter) { allowedMoves.push("U"); }
// Right:
if (posX < this._field[0].length - 1 && this._field[posY][posX + 1] !== pathCharacter) { allowedMoves.push("R"); }
// Down :
if (posY < this._field.length - 1 && this._field[posY + 1][posX] !== pathCharacter) { allowedMoves.push("D"); }
// Left:
if (posX && this._field[posY][posX - 1] !== pathCharacter) { allowedMoves.push("L"); }
return allowedMoves;
static generateField(height, width, percentage = 25) {
const field = [] // Creating the field.
if (percentage > 50) {
percentage = 35;
console.log("The percentage of holes, being too high, has been set to 35%")
let numberOfHoles = Math.floor(height * width * percentage / 100) // Defining the number of holes.
// The position of the hat is generated randomly. It can't be [0][0].
let hatY = 0;
let hatX = 0;
while (!hatX && !hatY) {
hatY = Math.floor(Math.random() * height)
hatX = Math.floor(Math.random() * width)
for (let row = 0; row < height; row++) {
const rowArray = []
for (let column = 0; column < width; column++) {
// The position [0][0] is the starting point.
if (row === 0 & column === 0) {
// The hat is added if the position corresponds to its.
if (row === hatY && column === hatX) {
// Every other position is filled with a field character.
for (numberOfHoles; numberOfHoles > 0; numberOfHoles--) {
let holeY = 0;
let holeX = 0;
while (field[holeY][holeX] !== fieldCharacter) {
holeY = Math.floor(Math.random() * height);
holeX = Math.floor(Math.random() * width);
field[holeY][holeX] = hole;
return field;
playGround = new Field(15, 25);
I tried to use different kind of things: while for switch
Any idea why this method I put in is giving me a syntax error?
checkWin() {
if (this._field[this.locationY][this.locationX] === hole) {
console.log('Oops! You lost by falling into the hole!');
return 'lose';
esle if (this._field[this.locationY][this.locationX] === hat) {
console.log('Congratulations! You found the hat!');
return 'win';
else {
return 'cont';
This took significantly longer then 2h to complete but i learnt a lot whilst doing it. I think it’s a significant jump from the JavaScript course but recommend anyone to attempt and insist on it.
The hardest bit for me was the static generateField method. Creating a method for custom 2D array was surprisingly challenging.
Choice of 10 search algorithms to help you find the hat if possible at all
This also satisfies the ‘field validator’ extended criteria
Colorized hat,path,field,hole and help route
Hard mode : holes added on up or down only; easy mode : no holdes added
It creates a random grid with random start location. Width, height and percentage of grid being holes can be set up. Easy mode - no added holes. Hard mode - can set up level of difficulty, the higher the level, the more likely a new hole added after a move. Before it lets a player start the game, it checks if the grid can be solved at easy level and if not, it forces creation of a new grid… I used Las Vegas algorithm that returns false if the solution is not found within permitted time (time being a function of squared grid size).