Ok, I’m losing it. I’ve gone through this project 4 times now, two of which I followed along step-by-step with the developer walk-through video and for some reason, this program is not working. I’m guessing it has something to do with my API key and/or the base URL for TMDB because my code doesn’t appear to have any errors so it seems like it’s just not connecting to the TMDB database every combination I try doesn’t change anything.
Does anyone have any advice on what steps I can take to sync them up? I pasted my code below but left my API Key blank for personal reasons.
I would love some advice/feedback on how the f to get this to work, thanks!
import { getSelectedGenre, getRandomMovie, displayMovie } from ‘./helper.js’;
const tmdbKey = ’ ';
const tmdbBaseUrl = ‘https://api.themoviedb.org/3’;
const playBtn = document.getElementById(‘playBtn’);
const getGenres = async () => {
const genreRequestEndpoint = ‘/genre/movie/list’;
const requestParams = ?api_key=${tmdbKey}
const urlToFetch = ${tmdbBaseUrl}${genreRequestEndpoint}${requestParams}
try {
const response = await fetch(urlToFetch);
if (response.ok){
const jsonResponse = await response.json();
const genres = jsonResponse.genres;
return genres;
} catch(error) {
const getMovies = async () => {
const selectedGenre = getSelectedGenre();
const discoverMovieEndpoint = ‘/discover/movie’;
const requestParams = ?api_key=${tmdbKey}&with_genres=${selectedGenre}
const urlToFetch = ${tmdbBaseUrl}${discoverMovieEndpoint}${requestParams}
try {
const response = await fetch(urlToFetch);
if (response.ok){
const jsonResponse = await response.json();
const movies = jsonResponse.results;
return movies;
} catch(error) {
const getMovieInfo = async (movie) => {
const movieId = movie.id;
const movieEndpoint = /movie/${movieId}
const requestParams = ?api_key=${tmdbKey}
const urlToFetch = ${tmdbBaseUrl}${movieEndpoint}${requestParams}
try {
const response = await fetch(urlToFetch);
if (response.ok){
const movieInfo = await response.json();
return movieInfo;
} catch(error) {
// Gets a list of movies and ultimately displays the info of a random movie from the list
const showRandomMovie = async () => {
const movieInfo = document.getElementById(‘movieInfo’);
if (movieInfo.childNodes.length > 0) {
const movies = await getMovies();
const randomMovie = getRandomMovie(movies);
const info = await getMovieInfo(randomMovie);
playBtn.onclick = showRandomMovie;