Feedback for My Portfolio Project. It Is Really Good (I Think😊)

Hello, everyone!
I wanted to share my website for some feedback. This is my first big project after learning the course on HTML, CSS, and git and Github. I will be grateful for any feedback, negative or positive.
Here is my My repo
This is my website. I wasn’t able to get a domain name since my pockets are empty😊.
Thanks in advance for visiting my website and giving feedback!


This is pretty great for a 14-year-old! I’m glad you’re proud of it. You should be.

I have a few design recommendations:

  • High-saturated blue on blue and tan backgrounds is hard to read. I would recommend increasing your contrast, maybe darkening the text and lightening the background. I like using the “Accessibility Insights for Chrome” extension to tell me if my contrast is good.
  • I found a typo on your homepage: “aslo” instead of “also.”
  • It’s hard to see your “Excursion” page inside that little scroll window. I would try sharing a screenshot of part of it, then letting people click the screenshot to see the whole thing in a different tab.
  • Your “Excursion” page sets a mood beautifully. I really like it.
  • The certificates page looks blank to me.
  • Your pages look very wide when I use my wide monitor. A max-width (e.g. 800px) would help with readability so the reader’s eyes don’t have to travel so far across the screen.
  • You mention that you like to edit photos and videos. In the future, that could be a great topic for a new portfolio page.

It’s cool you’re experimenting with code at such a young age! I see a lot of potential in your work and I bet you can go far.

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Thank you so much for your feedback @jennabre! It is still a work in progress, so I appreciate that you gave feedback so that I can make it better. (It’s also why the certificate page is blank). I will try my best to implement your ideas, and fix those typos, to my site. Thanks again!

Happy to help!

And even if you don’t have certificates yet, you could make a page with a section that shows the certificates you’re working on.

Again, you are doing amazing work at your age and your talent is only going to grow!

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This is really great

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DUDE!!! great job! You are doing awesome with it! very excited for you and am looking forward to getting better at this everyday so that I too can create something awesome!

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Thank you so much for your encouragement @mr.owl333!