FAQ: Working with Text - String Concatenation

This community-built FAQ covers the “String Concatenation” exercise from the lesson “Working with Text”.

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What am i doing wrong here?

identical problem here…the error is saying that it is expecting a ; at the end of line 16 (in my case), there is one there…

Found the answer - it is expecting a “,” in there - it is expecting a comma.

I have to say, compared to the html course, this course isn’t very well written - it misses out key details and tells you you have made an error because it didn’t tell you…

I’m on Chapter 3, and I just did 1/8 and 2/8, I’m on 3/8 now and this is how the coding looks? - Screenshot - 3c9d9f3f52cd549a73487d2b850ebbfe - Gyazo

Is this correct? From looking at the screenshots here, your website is bugged and hasn’t given me the 3/8 section code to work off?

A typo here: A common way to do is by using string concatenation .

Should be: A common way to do this is by using string concatenation .

Looks like the way you have to do it is by only using the strings, nothing before or after. If the story does not start with "beginning + “,” (or “.”), the console will not recognize it as being correct.

It took me a few minutes to see what it was talking about. I had started it with an opener then the first string, a run-on sentence interjection then the second string, then the conjunction “and” followed by the last string. Turns out that is just too much for this simulation.

I guess the letter is wrong, it says to declare the variables, not to assign a value. So if I understand it correctly:

string beginning;
string middle;
string end;

Should do the job, but it still asks to be filled with a value for each variable