FAQ: Why Learn SQL? - Exploring Data with SQL

This community-built FAQ covers the “Exploring Data with SQL” exercise from the lesson “Why Learn SQL?”.

Paths and Courses
This exercise can be found in the following Codecademy content:

Analyze Data with SQL

FAQs on the exercise Exploring Data with SQL

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interesting, where are the lessons though

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in the “exploring data with SQL” lesson, after running the code nothing is being displayed. The answer says the column names would be shown, but it’s not there. Is it a bug or am i wrong?


I get nothing either, so think you’re right; but apparently nobody from codeCademy cares!

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Still not fixed. Not great for a paid service.


the problem is still not fixed. When you click ‘run’ nothing happens.

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I don’t think it’s supposed to actually show anything. It just says you will get a green check mark when it is done correctly.

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I think it is supposed to show something, as the hints under the “stuck” dropdown describe the columns that we are supposed to see

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have the same problem it seems.i think this bug was not fixed by codecademy team for years when you read the comments you see that.noone cares it seems.

Still not working; does the problem happen with other queries. Will have to cancel service if issues persist. Certainly not a great way to start!

The lesson says the code ran, but no data is returned. Does the Browse table have any data in it? It did not return the column headers either.

OK - so when I went to the next lesson the code did run. SO I hit the back button and tried running the simpler code and it ran then. May be some other issue. If you run into this go ahead and go to the next lesson. Run the code and then go back.


I came here because I had the same problem everyone had! I ran the code and nothing happened, except for the green check…so I did what you suggested and when I went back it worked! Thanks for the tip.

July 25, 2023 and mine does the same thing. No display after running the query. I think nothings supposed to show in the right-hand panel. But a logical expectation would be to see a list of 10 results imho. I will try to email someone at Codecademy about this.

@scott_overturns @digital7583028232 @tag8861218153 @developer_geek @course1789066020 @chinmayakishore

August 2023 here, came into the course for the first time but it did run. I didn’t do the copy paste but instead typed directly into the console the code - got green check mark everything plus the column and rows showing in the right panel.

Just in case that helps.

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21/8/23 I tried a few times to no avail, came to the forum to see if this was a bug. I was about to report that it was not working for me.
I, out of curiosity, decided to go back to the lesson, and try starting the code on line 3 instead and hitting run, all of a sudden the table appeared when i clicked run, I then backspaced to the code started on line 1 again and it worked!
Didn’t make a whole load of sense to me.

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Try changing 10 for 100!

Same thing here , I hit Run but nothing to see

whenever i copy the data it won’t let me paste it how do i paste the data

Try refreshing (reloading) your browser window, and clicking Run again.