FAQ: Why Learn SQL? - Determining Web Traffic Attribution

This community-built FAQ covers the “Determining Web Traffic Attribution” exercise from the lesson “Why Learn SQL?”.

Paths and Courses
This exercise can be found in the following Codecademy content:

Web Development

FAQs on the exercise Determining Web Traffic Attribution

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This page is not properly linked with the proper getting started with SQL page.


The community forums link in the lesson that you provided directs me to a “Page not found” here. So, I’m guessing that you arrived at this FAQ via searching the forums?

These FAQs are pushed here from CC and don’t seem to be updated or maintained. (The second link is correct and goes to the correct web dev course.)

If you want to report a dead link in the DS ML course, you can submit a (descriptive) bug report to CC.

Also, this is 5 years old and the topic probably should have been closed by now.