FAQ: Why Data Science? - Probability

This community-built FAQ covers the “Probability” exercise from the lesson “Why Data Science?”.

Paths and Courses
This exercise can be found in the following Codecademy content:

Data Science Foundations
Data Scientist: Inference Specialist
Data Scientist: Machine Learning Specialist
Data Scientist: Natural Language Processing Specialist
Data Scientist: Analytics Specialist

FAQs on the exercise Probability

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It seems like the code output always has a same birthday with person 1-10. Is there a reason why? It seems too often that a shared birthday has a person 1-10 and then some other person. eg person 2 and person 88 share a birthday.

Is this by design?

Are there months and days birthdays are more likely to occur, or are we assuming every day of the year has an equal chance of being someone’s birthday? Maybe I have a misunderstanding of probability or the simulate.py code but an 89% probability of two people sharing a birthday in a group of 40 people seems really high unless some days are weighted heavier than others.

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I don’t know if it is by design (since any simulation that doesn’t take real date into account isn’t going to be correct anyway) but

IMHO the simulation is strictly speaking not correct. Since it assigns all months the same probability irrespective of how many days they contain.

I would prefer to simply “roll 365-sided dice” several time

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I am a total beginner with no previous coding experience. Curiously, I opened the pycache folder, inspected the simulate.py file (which I believe contained the whole code), and noticed that “num_people_in_room = 2” in line 5 of script.py does not appear anywhere in simulate.py (although it seems to be defined in lines 33 and 35 of simulate.py file). How then are the two files (script.py and simulate.py) related or is there no link? Sorry for the seemingly dumb question, I just want to understand the coding context!

@augustkade6693427971 I agree. My probability for 30 people was 70.63% which seems really high as well. Although I don’t know for sure, I’m sure the random quality (there’s a different word for it than ‘quality’) is truly random. I highly doubt the organization would give us an example like that if it truly wasn’t random. But probability is funny when you think about it without doing the math, which is why Vegas always wins.