FAQ: Why Data Science? - Exploring Data with SQL

This community-built FAQ covers the “Exploring Data with SQL” exercise from the lesson “Why Data Science?”.

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Data Science

FAQs on the exercise Exploring Data with SQL

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In the very first lesson:
When I copy/paste the code and run the code I get :

     ### Database Schema

                page_visits                                     600 rows

first_name TEXT
last_name TEXT
gender TEXT
age REAL
visit_date TEXT
website_goal TEXT

Error: near line 1: no such table: browse

Ive sent a bug report and I am not getting any responses

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Hi whimjim,

I’m facing the same problem. Hopefully something will be done about it, soon!

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l am facing the same problem,it said that ther is no table named browse

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I’m having the same problem… how can this still be an issue at the beginning of a topic???

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I take it back… it doesn’t like IE browser, works fine in Chrome.

Doesn’t work on Chrome or IE for me.

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To all people trying the first exercise, the table has been renamed to ‘page_visits’ so the code you paste should actually be:

SELECT * FROM page_visits LIMIT 10;

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the problem I have is I cannot even paste in the column. Is not an active field and I can’t move pass that screen.


Hello Everybody, I just joined to codecademy and stock at the first lecture, just cannot write anything to the screen :frowning: I’m just wandering how may I solve this issue, please help

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Same problem here…

The middle plane is not working for me (chrome), seems like its not connected to code editor.

No Solutions???

I’m having the same problem. I can’t copy and paste the code into the middle pane. Did you figure it out?

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Hi all, I have a problem with the interface as per video above. I cannot get the SQLite interface to work. Any quick fix?

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Oh for me was the same, and I recharge the page and work very well… if don’t, you can go to another navigator and see if is working… but I think is not a problem of the interface.