On the change the message exercise, if I wanted to include a word that has an apostrophe, how would I be able to do that without cutting off the rest of my message after an apostrophe is used?
I wanted to start, however the right side of the page is completely blank apart from “http://localhost:8000/” in the url bar. I’ve tried two different browsers and refreshed the page. How do I fix this?
The line bounceBubbles(); is a function call. This is a more complicated concept that will be taught if you take other courses on Codecademy. For now, focus on the point of this lesson: changing variable values. See what happens when you change the value of the variable message.
When we wish to use an apostrophe in our printable text, then the string itself should be enclosed in double quotes so as not to conflict with the apostrophe.
What if you have multiple message variables with different text in it.
For example:
message = ‘airplane’;
message = ‘car’;
message = ‘tank’;
If you run the above code, the browser panel shows ‘tank’. Why it’s showing the last one and not the 1st one or why not all of them?