FAQ: Virtual Computer - You Did It!

This community-built FAQ covers the “You Did It!” exercise from the lesson “Virtual Computer”.

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class Computer
@@users = {}
def initialize(username, password)
@username = username
@password = password
@@users[username] = password
@files = {}

def create(filename)
    @time = Time.now
    @files[filename] = @time
    puts "The file {@files[filename]} was created at {@time}"

Could you have created def create(filename)
with time = Time.now ?

I am wondering if time has to be made an instance variable or can it be a variable for the create method only?

The instance variable is necessary in order to hold on to the current time value for this file. If we use the class directly it will be different in each time.

Okay thank you. I also don’t know why in that solution it gave the puts statement the way it did,

@files[filename] just gives the time, and there are no #

when – “The file #{filename} was created at #{@time} by #{@username}” works and that should be the correct syntax?

Yeah, I thought that looked odd but opted to not mention it figuring you would spot it.

Ruby Programming/Syntax/Literals - Wikibooks, open books for an open world

As to what the author is attempting to convey, that is not for me to say. Once you get a pass on the lesson, stay with it and play around with the variables you interpolate.and study the output.

I did give your earlier question some more thought. What if we did something like this?

    @files[filename] = Time.now
    puts "The file #{filename} was created at #{files[filename]} by #{@username}."

Then we don’t need the instance variable, at all.

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I have another question :laughing:

def self.display_files

puts “Files: #{Computer.display_files}”


def Computer.display_files


Is there a time or place where self.method is better than Classname.method ?

When privacy is important, then class variables are valuable since they can only be polled by class methods, and not from the outside. An instance gains access through its own method that can return the class method as a callable object.

Not sure I’ve seen a signature line like this, before. Might take some extra study to suss out whether or not it is valid and correct.

I took it directly from the example code given!

class Computer
$manufacturer = “Mango Computer, Inc.”
@@files = {hello: “Hello, world!”}

def initialize(username, password)
@username = username
@password = password

def current_user

def self.display_files

Make a new Computer instance:

hal = Computer.new(“Dave”, 12345)

puts “Current user: #{hal.current_user}”

@username belongs to the hal instance.

puts “Manufacturer: #{$manufacturer}”

$manufacturer is global! We can get it directly.

puts “Files: #{Computer.display_files}”

@@files belongs to the Computer class.

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My bad. Parameterless methods can be used as getters. self in this context is the class, not the instance.

Hello ! I’m working on a method to update files. So far My method does update the filename but I would like to refer back to the previous filename in what gets outputted by puts. However, I don’t think I’m saving it anywhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated ! Thank you

class Computer
@@users = {}
def initialize(username, password)
@username = username
@password = password
@files = {}
@@users[username] = password
def create(filename)
time = Time.now
@files[filename] = time
puts “The file #{filename} was created by #{@username} at #{time}.”
def update(filename)
time = Time.now
@files[filename] = time
puts “The file #{filename} was updated by #{@username} at #{time}.”

def Computer.get_users

my_computer = Computer.new(“jim”, 01234)
my_computer.create(“booky wookie”)
my_computer.update(“looky cookie”)
puts “#{Computer.get_users}”


The file booky wookie was created by jim at 2019-10-07 15:53:52 +0000.
The file looky cookie was updated by jim at 2019-10-07 15:53:52 +0000.

I’ve been trying to implement an update/rename method. Not sure if this is mean to go in the class Computer? it shows up on the screen alright but I cannot get user input from the terminal.

any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

class Computer
  @@users = {}

  def initialize(username, password)
    @username = username
    @password = password
    @files = {}
    @@users[username] = password

  def create(filename)
    time = Time.now
    @files[filename] = time
    puts "#{filename} was created by #{@username} at #{time}."

  def delete(filename)
    time = Time.now
    if @files.include?(filename)
      puts "#{filename} deleted by #{@username} at #{time}."
      puts "#{filename} not found."

  def Computer.get_users
  return @@users

  def get_files
  return @files

def update()
  puts "What file would you like to update?"
  @files.each_key { |key| print key + " " }
  filename = gets.chomp
  puts "What would you like to rename #{filename} to?"
  new_name = gets.chomp


my_computer = Computer.new("chris", "12345")
your_computer = Computer.new("eric", "abcd")



The exercise mentions

def name=(value)
  @name = value

but we haven’t seen this in the previous exercises at all and that is why I have no context and don’t understand what this is doing at all

Where did you see that code? Please supply a link to the exercise. Thanks.

The above code is a Ruby setter method akin to,

 attr_writer :name

which should be coming up soon, if it hasn’t already.

woops my bad
I posted in the wrong thread.
I meant for this exercise https://www.codecademy.com/courses/learn-ruby/lessons/object-oriented-programming-ii/exercises/attrreader-attrwriter
and to post in this thread
FAQ: Object-Oriented Programming II - attr_reader, attr_writer
but I still have the same question. That syntax doesn’t look familiar to before that exercise and I’m very confused in what the setter method does

It does what the name says… Sets the variable with a new value.

I see.
So referring back to this original post and exercise.
I had this bit of code which passed the exercise. But there was no setter since I had not learned it yet.
Or is something else in place of it?

class Computer
def initialize(username, password)
@files = {}
@username = username
@password = password
@@users[username] = password

@@users = {}

def create(filename)
time = Time.now
@files = {filename: time}
puts "#{filename} created by #{@username} at #{time}"

def Computer.get_users
return @@users

my_computer = Computer.new("john", "password")

Nothing in place of it. There is no setter in the above class, nor any need of one, the way it stands.

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Hi everyone!

I’ve reached the end of the exercise, but my code doesn’t puts anything to the console. Is there something else I need to do? I’m at the end of the lesson, but there is no mention of adding any other code?


Your code would not puts anything to the console unless you were to use my_computer.create, for example my_computer.create("myfile.txt")

As a side note, the string interpolation provided in the Codecademy solution looks odd:
puts "The file {@files[filename]} was created at {@time}"

seemingly should be:

puts "The file #{filename} was created at #{@time}"