FAQ: Vectors - .size()

This community-built FAQ covers the “.size()” exercise from the lesson “Vectors”.

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Hi guys there is a little thing I am confused about. I did the exercise in which it asks to add the more grocery items and asks us to print the size of the grocery. I did all of it and it was correct but instead of showing the total number grocery items on the right side, it shows me some weird message. It says the following : /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/…/…/…/x86_64-linux-gnu/Scrt1.o: In function _start': (.text+0x20): undefined reference tomain’
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Can anyone explain me why didn’t I get the number of grocery items?

Definintely strange behavior with the console throughout the lesson. Seems like evey other exercise the console shows the error you mentioned, and doesn’t save code in the editor. When I rereshed my browser to see if the console would behave properly, my code was gone. There has been buggy behavior reported in at least one Python lesson where the console was temporarily malfunctioning, but it was quickly resolved. Hopefully this will be too. Perhaps @sonnynomnom could take a look at the exercises in this lesson on vectors.

…well, is it? that’s what ld would say when you try to compile and link a file with no main in it.

I have a question and I hope somebody could help me why do we use push_back instead of just writing the item in the std::string can´t we do that? it prints the same.