FAQ: Variables - Step 1: Declare a Variable

This community-built FAQ covers the “Step 1: Declare a Variable” exercise from the lesson “Variables”.

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FAQs on the exercise Step 1: Declare a Variable

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pls i would love to know why we have to compile and execute

1 Like

because a
machine cannot compile and execute by themself so we do

where do you insert the compile and execute code? i don’t know where to put it in the code. before the main? and is it both g++ variable.cpp and ./a.out?

Hello @kevinblomquist662045, and welcome to the forums.

The commands to compile, and then execute your compiled code do not go in the code itself. The commands are executed in the console (far right pane on the Codecademy Learning Environment).

You give a left mouse click in the console. That should place a blinking cursor next to the $ prompt. That is where you’ll type g++ variable.cpp. Then click <enter>. Wait a second or two, and a new $ prompt will appear on the next line down. That is where you type ./a.out and click <enter>. The first command compiles your code, and creates an executable file named a.out. Typing ./a.out tells the computer to execute the file.

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How is score an integer? Aren’t integers whole numbers?

score is the name of the variable. It was declared with the type int, so it may only be assigned to integer values. In the example, it is declared, but not assigned to any value.

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I do not understand Compile and Execute is to do ? Someone please help me through this tutorial, I tried typing : ./a.out at the end of the program but it still doesn’t work

Delete the ./a.out statement from your code.
Then, click the Run button (this will save your code).
Then, click in the far right terminal window (the window with $ and the cursor). This is the bash terminal. First, type in g++ variable.cpp and press enter (this will compile your program). Then, type in ./a.out and press enter (this will execute your program).

Outside of codecademy environment, you will write your programs in some editor (text editor or other editor) and save the code in a file with .cpp extension. Then, if you have the compiler installed on your computer, you will compile your code and then execute your code.

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I love how I declared the EXACT SAME variable in the file and when running the g++ variable.cpp AS DIRECTED, I am greeted with this junk instead as an error:

It will turn green after you compile and execute.

Edit: I can’t even copy/paste the junk for it to work… Codecademy at it’s finest, time to leave them for someone self given I can no longer proceed due to this poorly coded web app

This is still an error that occurs. Will someone PLEASE handle fixing this, because it is ridiculous

Can you upload a screenshot (there is an Upload button in the forum editor) showing a) your code, b) the bash terminal and c) the message that pops up at the bottom? It may reveal clues as to why your code is not being accepted.