FAQ: Thith Meanth War! - Returning the Final String—Er, "Thtring"

This community-built FAQ covers the “Returning the Final String—Er, “Thtring”” exercise from the lesson “Thith Meanth War!”.

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FAQs on the exercise Returning the Final String—Er, “Thtring”

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how to preserve the original user input and return the original and modified version with print command because after the gsub method the user_input always changes

You can create a copy of the original string to preserve its initial value, then manipulate the original, and print both in the final puts statement.

puts "#{original} => #{mutated}"
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print "Please enter a string: " 
user_input = gets.chomp

if user_input.include? "s"
  puts "The 's' has been remplaced and now your string is equal to : #{user_input.gsub!(/s/, "th")}"
  puts "There are no 's's in your string."


hello !
this code above gave me the right output but the exercise kept on giving me a “wrong answer”, i don’t understand…

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Is any of the verbosity expected by the lesson checker? When we embellish our responses the SCT can no longer recognize anything so will fail the submission. Remember it is a program that is checking our code, not a human reader.

print “string please!”
user_input = gets.chomp

if user_input.include? “s”
user_input.gsub!(/s/, “th”)
puts “no s’s”
user_input = “woop”
print “poop scoop, #{user_input}!”

When working with this code I am getting a check that says I have the right answer but no Daffy duckification is happening.

When using the bang method (!) it is imperative that there be at least one uppercase letter in the input else nil is the outcome. nil has no attributes or methods.

To get around this problem just remove the bang method and assign it to a variable.

user_input = input.downcase

So either solution will work. Use one or more uppercase with the bang, or any case without the bang.

why did you create another string in the end for user_input? isn’t it supposed to change your original string?

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Hi, im stuck at 7/8 of the exercise on Daffy Duckification
here is my code doesn’t WORK. need help pls

print "I like the sea "

user_input = gets.chomp


if user_input.include? “s”

user_input.gsub!(/s/, “th”)


puts “I still like the sea”


puts “I like the sea: #{user_input}”

Can someone help me to understand why the downcase! method is afecting both variables: user_input and new_string at the same time? Note: try it using a upcase character when giving the input.

print "Input text: "
user_input = gets.chomp
new_string = user_input
if new_string.include? "s"
  new_string.gsub!(/s/, "th")
  puts "Original text: #{user_input}."
  puts "Output text: #{new_string}."
  puts "Nothing to do here"


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The only explanation one can come up with is that new_string is the same string object as user_input. That is, both variables point to the same object.

Suggest do not use the bang method.

user_input = gets.chomp
new_string = user_input.downcase

What happens, then?

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As mentioned in the “Overview & Sneak Peek” lesson:

Object-oriented, meaning it allows users to manipulate data structures called objects in order to build and execute programs. We’ll learn more about objects later, but for now, all you need to know is everything in Ruby is an object.

new_string = user_input results in both variables referring to the same string object. This is unlike many other languages where we don’t see similar behavior regarding strings.

The solution by mtf will work because new_string = user_input.downcase will end up creating a new string object.

Related thread:

Hi, I hope someone can help.

Can anyone please explain why when I use a word with an s I don’t get the word Daffy Duckified?

print "Pleathe enter a thtring: " 
user_input = gets.chomp

if user_input.include? "s"
  user_input.gsub!(/s/, "th")
  puts "There are no 's's in your string."
  print "See here, (#{user_input})!"

Thank you for reading.

After getting the user’s input, your code only prints anything when the input doesn’t contain any s’s.