FAQ: The Zen of Ruby - In Case of Many Options

This community-built FAQ covers the “In Case of Many Options” exercise from the lesson “The Zen of Ruby”.

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FAQs on the exercise In Case of Many Options

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Whilst trying to convert the example into a hash, I found a way around “JavaScript” not working with .capitalize! :

answer = {
  Ruby: "Ruby is great for web apps!",
  Python: "Python is great for science.",
  JavaScript: "JavaScript makes websites awesome.",
  HTML: "HTML is what websites are made of!",
  CSS: "CSS makes websites pretty.",

puts "What's your favorite language again?"
language2 = gets.chomp

case language2
  when "ruby"
  when language2.length > 4
  when "javascript"
  	language2.gsub!("s", "S")

puts answer["#{language2}".to_sym]

is there a more elegant way to do this?

Why do we use == for the if statements and = for the case statement?

if language == "Ruby"
  puts "Ruby is great for web apps!"
when language = "Ruby"
    puts "Ruby is great for web apps!"

puts “What’s your favorite language?”

language = gets.chomp

case language

when “Ruby”

puts “Ruby is great for web apps!”

when “Python”

puts “Python is great for science.”

when “JavaScript”

puts “JavaScript makes websites awesome.”

when “HTML”

puts “HTML is what websites are made of!”

when “CSS”

puts “CSS makes websites pretty.”


puts “I don’t know that language!”


If you use the solution button in this exercise, the resulting program hangs infinitely even though there’s no loop. Why is this?

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Why not just do?

when "JavaScript".downcase then puts "JavaScript makes websites awesome."

We don’t use = for the case statement, instead we write:

when "Ruby"
  puts "Ruby is great for web apps!"

which is is equivalent to:

if language === "ruby"
  puts "Ruby is great for web apps!"

The Triple Equals Operator === is a method used to define equality in the context of a case statement.

Source Class: Object

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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