FAQ: The Zen of Ruby - Implicit Return

This community-built FAQ covers the “Implicit Return” exercise from the lesson “The Zen of Ruby”.

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In this exercise they mention " Ruby’s methods will return the result of the last evaluated expression.". and then go on to say, that because of that functionality, we can write implicit return statements in Ruby.

I feel like this requires a little more explanation. I understand what they are trying to say, but how does it connect to an implicit return?

I think this is quite an important explanation because they once again mention the sentence; " Ruby’s methods will return the result of the last evaluated expression.", in the next exercise.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you!

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explicit return would be using the return keyword

implicit return is without the return keyword, this is possible because ruby automatically returns the last evaluated expression. You didn’t explicitly state you want to return, but it still happening, so it implicit.


Hi there,

Thanks a lot for responding so soon!

I think I got that part. What I’m confused about is exactly what you mentioned:

That’s what I’m curious about. What do they mean when they say:

“Ruby automatically returns the last evaluated expression.”

For example, in the following exercise titled short-circuit evaluation, they say the following:

Remember how Ruby returns the result of the last expression it evaluated? We can use that to show short-circuit evaluation in action.

Then this code is run:

def a
  puts "A was evaluated!"
  return false

def b
  puts "B was also evaluated!"
  return false

puts a || b
puts "------"
puts a && b

Which returns:

A was evaluated!

A was evaluated!
B was also evaluated!

So, essentially they are saying that this result illustrates how Ruby returns the result of the last expression it evaluated. But I still think they haven’t explained what they mean by return the last expression evaluated?

I’m sure this is quite a stupid question, or maybe my brain is having a freeze. Regardless, I appreciate any further explanation.

Thank you!


def add(a,b)
  a + b

a + b is the last expression, as such this value is returned

but i don’t see the relevance for mentioning implicit return when it comes to the short-circuit evaluation.

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