FAQ: Technical Interview Problems in Python: Linked Lists - Detect Cycle in a Linked List

This community-built FAQ covers the “Detect Cycle in a Linked List” exercise from the lesson “Technical Interview Problems in Python: Linked Lists”.

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Technical Interview Practice: Python

FAQs on the exercise Detect Cycle in a Linked List

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would you show me the logic of the lesson’ task:

why does the code:

def has_cycle(linked_list):
  slow, fast = linked_list.head, linked_list.head
  while slow and fast:
    slow = slow.next
    fast = fast.next
    if fast:
      fast = fast.next
      return False
    if fast == slow:
      return True
  return False

returns True, when node ‘b’ (fast)== node ‘c’ (slow)
and doesn’t return True, when 'node ‘d’ (fast) equals node ‘d’ (slow)

to illustrate the computing process, I put prints in the middle of the loop:

<node.Node object at 0x7f3290c5f898> ! <node.Node object at 0x7f3290c5f7b8>
c !!! b

<node.Node object at 0x7f3290c5f7b8> ! <node.Node object at 0x7f3290c5f898>
b !!! c

<node.Node object at 0x7f328f935828> ! <node.Node object at 0x7f328f935828>
d !!! d

<node.Node object at 0x7f328f935ba8> ! <node.Node object at 0x7f328f935a20>
c !!! b

<node.Node object at 0x7f328f935c18> ! <node.Node object at 0x7f328f935ba8>
b !!! c

Should return True when a cycle exists: True


Here is my solution
from linked_list import LinkedList, Node, build_cycle_linked_list, build_linked_list_no_cycle

cycle_linked_list = build_cycle_linked_list()
no_cycle_linked_list = build_linked_list_no_cycle()

def has_cycle(linked_list):
  current_node = linked_list.head
  unique = []
  while current_node:
    node_id = id(current_node)
    if node_id in unique:
      return True
    current_node = current_node.next

  return False

cycle_result = has_cycle(cycle_linked_list)
no_cycle_result = has_cycle(no_cycle_linked_list)

print("Should return True when a cycle exists: {0}".format(cycle_result))

print("Should return False when a cycle does not exist: {0}".format(no_cycle_result))

I have a question: Is it better to use dictionary instead of list?
I use list, because we don’t have to store as key-value pair, but to find a key in a dictionary is O(1) time, in list O(N)
So maybe better to choose dictionary even if I not use as a key-value?

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