FAQ: TDD Feature-Level Tests - Feature Test II: Exercise

This community-built FAQ covers the “Feature Test II: Exercise” exercise from the lesson “TDD Feature-Level Tests”.

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FAQs on the exercise Feature Test II: Exercise

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In the lesson, we learn that the first argument of the .setValue() method is a CSS selector, and the examples given to us are as follows:

browser.setValue('input[id=title]', title);
browser.setValue('textarea[id=poem]', poem);

If it’s a CSS selector, why cannot they be like

browser.setValue('#title', title); 
browser.setValue('#poem]', poem);

Is this valid?

I looked up the official WebdriverIO documentation on .getValue(), which however, gives a different syntax:


So I’m very confused…

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Hey @masakudamatsu, did you get the answer ?

As a matter of fact the official WDIO API doc does not event mention getText() as a browser method. Instead it’s listed as a method for an element object, much like setValue.

Perhaps CC is using older WDIO which perhaps requires different syntax? Wouldn’t be the first time…

Btw. This thread is now a year old.

Hey @masakudamatsu ,
I’m also a bit confused by the WDIO documentation, unless the ‘browser’ acts as the selector mentioned in the syntax:


Not sure about this, but concerning your first question: I believe we have to identify the type of HTML element we intend to set a value to (input, or textarea in the example given) and then identify it with an ID. I just assumed that is the reason why we cannot use a simple #selector here:

browser.setValue('input[id=title]', title);
browser.setValue('textarea[id=poem]', poem);

And yes, this thread is old and Codecademy does not seem to have moderators go through it, sadly. But I’m always thinking it could help out newer students who go through the course and forums.

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Reviving this old thread as I have the exact same question as you all. Too bad that @codecademy does not seem to care about this forum. Anyway …

I got confused as well bc I completed the “Learn JavaScript Unit Testing” (which is a pre requisite for this one) and noticed that the exercises were all using the selectors like this:

browser.setValue('#title', title); 
browser.setValue('#poem]', poem);

I tried to complete the lesson using the aforementioned code, but it was not accepted by codecademy’s system.

I will keep working on this course and do some research to find out what would be the correct way to use "browser.setValue( ) .


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