FAQ: Sustainable SCSS - Organize with Partials

This community-built FAQ covers the “Organize with Partials” exercise from the lesson “Sustainable SCSS”.

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FAQs on the exercise Organize with Partials

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I understood that with underscore, I can import sass files without compiling them to css file.
Does it mean that I can use every variables and mixins in the imported file, without compiling?

What can I do with partial, and what can’t I do comparing simple @import?
or May I have some specific examples or cases when I need to use @partials?

Hi @eugine01 ! For me , this was also not crystal-clear, but from what I gather these are two different situations:

  • We name our helper files (partials) with an underscore (Ex.: _variables) and put them in our project file. The underscore communicates that these files only exist to be referenced through an @import, and should not be copiled/compressed.

  • In order to reference what’s in our helper files (partials) - be it variables, mixins or whatnot - in our main.scss file, we need to use an @import, to explicit that we’ll be referencing code from that partial (helper file).

I don’t think there’s a @partials rule.

If I got it wrong, please let me know, as I’m also struggling with this explanation :slight_smile:

This exercise is broken, does not work even when submitting the correct answer

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Opera brouser is working for this. Chrome - not