FAQ: Statistical Distributions with NumPy - Normal Distribution, Part II

This community-built FAQ covers the “Normal Distribution, Part II” exercise from the lesson “Statistical Distributions with NumPy”.

Paths and Courses
This exercise can be found in the following Codecademy content:

Data Science

Introduction to Statistics with NumPy

FAQs on the exercise Normal Distribution, Part II

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Our friend discovered another femur. This femur is 7.5 ft long. Obviously, 7.5 ft is closer to the mean for a fictionosaurus (7.7 ft), than it is to the mean for a brachiosaurus (6.5 ft).

Can we be absolutely sure that the femur came from a fictionosaurus? Save you answer (either True or False ) to answer .

How do the histograms help you explain your answer?

why the answer is false?

@jatinshende25 did you get it?
I have same doubt actually.


If you view the x-axis for this histogram and start at x=7.5ft you can see that both sets of data contain points at this value. So we know both dinosaurs can have femurs of this length, therefore from length alone we cannot say for sure that it came from a ‘Fictionosaurus’ since it could have come from either of these creatures.

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