FAQ: Standard Deviation - Variance Recap

This community-built FAQ covers the “Variance Recap” exercise from the lesson “Standard Deviation”.

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Learn Statistics With Python

FAQs on the exercise Variance Recap

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“the units of variance are inches squared. Can you interpret what it means for the variance of the NBA dataset to be 13.32 inches squared?”

I don’t understand that question?

I also don’t understand this. Why and when are the inches squared?

It’s the units that are inches squared, if you have a look into dimensional analysis, for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimensional_analysis#The_factor-label_method_for_converting_units you’ll see the formula basically boils down to inches squared divided by nothing as both x and the mean have units of inches.

In the method above you only care about “labels” or “units”, not values.

This is why you commonly see standard deviation (the square root of variance) given in addition to averages and similar as the units are the same making comparison easier.

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The hint states that “Somebody who is 80 inches tall is above the average height of both datasets.” Looking at the histogram, I see that 80 inch is way to the right of the OkCupid group so it cannot be the mean. But it is at the centre of the NBA dataset, so it is close to the mean of that group. Correct me if I’m wrong.

Like the hint of the question puts it, it’s hard to understand this (that’s why we are going to learn about standard deviation, which will have the same unit (inch not inches squared) as the mean).

After calculation, the hint is correct (nba mean is 77, okcupid mean is 68 inches), but it’s hard to tell by looking at the histogram alone.